Thursday, November 17, 2011


I'm in deep gratitude.. For your putting up with my nonsense.

I know times are tough, even for you and me. I know I've been so snappy, yet you put up with it all. I know I can be so demanding, so difficult, I'm surprised you put up with me. Thank you, its a difficult period, but you don't have to understand. Even though you don't understand, you put up with me. Thank you.

Yes, surviving is hard. Decisions are hard. And you are feeling the crunch. You're working so hard, its really rather encouraging. With help around you, you work. You fight despite the feeling of being left behind. Despite behind thrown shit, you wade through it silently. Keeping as much complain in as possible. Thank you.

And the cheerful princess. Thank you too! Komawoyo... for sharing, for identifying, for building this strong fortress together, this strength, with it, we survive. Komawoyo!!!

And you, even though you're leaving, thank you for making it so soft. Thank you for sharing and thank you too for identifying. We are so glad, I am so glad of your happiness. Wish you all the best, do not look back. Its trash around here. But we will tidy it up. We won't let ourselves down.


And Miyanae. I've been so snappy. It helps to snap around, but its greater help that you all put it up. The lavendar scent was really spirit lifting. Sorry, and thank you very much!

Let us all pull through this difficult times together...