Monday, December 29, 2014

Reminiscing the year past...

The thing hanging on my mind now, is that if you've been doing things mostly right, providence will have it that things will happen right for you.

As much as I've played too hard this Christmas, probably need to work harder next year, I'm reminded very much how my priority is to take care of my health and my family's health foremost. Next comes my friends, my dearest, keeping the relationships healthy.

Well, its been a great year, having learnt so much in school, fell so deeply in love and then becoming a part of my husband's family. Not to mention the many challenges at work, which in my previous posts I have put secondary priority to life. Of course, I will do my best still, but health, family, friends, always first in my heart.

I'm so glad for the great year, it wasn't easy, but all I managed to overcome. I seek to become a better me as I face challenges ahead, I pray for providence to show me what's right as always.

I shall live life to what I believe is right: the fullest.

Will be travelling to Hiroshima for the new year, therefore, putting these thoughts down before 2015 catches up with me. ;)

Happy New Year!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Married Life

So, the all too interesting question, that interestingly doesn't return an all too interesting answer.

Married life is, natural. Normal. Like yourself. Being with yourself.

Life isn't about what you want to do, where you want to go anymore. All your plans is a plural singularity. We. Let's go! Shall we eat ramen? Can we get up in time? Do we have sufficient time to prepare?

Taking turns shower, takes double the time to plonk into bed.

Doing shopping together means time in both men's and women's section.

Buying breakfast no longer entails what I like to eat. More of what shall I get for my family?

Having dinner is always eating with your double. He's mimicking my mood, my expressions, my actions.

So yea, all fun and loving in return for your personal space. ;)

exchange rates

Recently, the exchange market has been rather exciting. Partly due to the drop in oil prices and then there's the economy reverberations. The interesting thing yet, is not the fluctuations.

I've went around Chinatown, parkway, marina Square, vivo City, Orchard ion money changers attempting to change Japanese yen. All didn't give me the good 90 I was looking for. All except two.

And the funny thing was, both the shops were running out of yen! Yet this goes against the economics of supply and demand where limited supply inflates the value of objects.

Wonders why. ...